Брызгалова, Е.Н. (2010) УРБАНИСТИЧЕСКИЙ МОТИВ В ПОЭЗИИ САТИРИКОНЦЕВ. Вестник ТвГУ. Серия: Филология (1). pp. 34-38. ISSN 1994-3725
- Published Version
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Многогранное восприятие города поэтами "Сатирикона".
Abstract (en)
The article deals with the creative activity of poets of satire, urbanistic motive in their pre - revolutionary and emigrant verses. Such collections of verses as «Ridiculous love» by P. P. Potyomkin, «Satire», «Satyres and the lyrics» by Sasha Cherny, «Having put on a raincoat» by Don-Aminado and other works are used.
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