Сорочан, А.Ю. (2010) ПРОЕКТ ФУРМАНА: КОНСТРУИРОВАНИЕ БИОГРАФИИ ДЛЯ ДЕТСКОГО ЧТЕНИЯ. Вестник ТвГУ. Серия: Филология (1). pp. 26-33. ISSN 1994-3725
- Published Version
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О биографической литературе для детей.
Abstract (en)
This article devoted to the unique publishing project of P. R. Furman, carried out in 1840–1850th years: 10 biographic books about characters of Russian history for children's reading. Books of Furman, thanks to a success-ful choice of subject schemes and selection of characters, have been rather widely demanded prior to the beginning of the XX-th century. The history of this project and its further development after Furman’s death gives weight of possibilities for judgement of biographical canons in Russian culture. Furman in children's books, leaning against traditional ideological concepts, at the same time maneuvers between «an official nationality» and more liberal doc-trines. Mythologization and demythologization of heroes presents in this texts, and our analysis allows to reconstruct one of the first developed «bio-graphic myths» in XIX century.
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