Васильева, Е.Н. (2010) МИР ДВОРЯНСКОЙ УСАДЬБЫ В ПРОЗЕ И. С. СОКОЛОВА-МИКИТОВА. Вестник ТвГУ. Серия: Филология (1). pp. 46-52. ISSN 1994-3725
- Published Version
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Тема русской усадьбы в творчестве И. С. Соколова-Микитова.
Abstract (en)
The offered article deals with the role and place of manor of noble family in the prose of I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov. Not passing value of farmstead culture on formation of the personality of the writer is marked. The evolution of patriarchal way of «nests of noble family» is considered. The literary tradi-tions according to the given theme in the creative activity of Sokolov-Mikitov are pointed out.
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