Прохоров, Г.С. (2013) О композиционно-архитектоническом устройстве "прорицаний" в "Дневнике писателя" Ф. М. Достоевского. Вестник ТвГУ. Серия: Филология (1). pp. 282-288. ISSN 1994-3725
- Published Version
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Настоящая статья посвящена анализу «прорицаний» – особого компонента «Дневника писателя» Ф. М. Достоевского. Традиционно его рассматривают в качестве примера «чистой» публицистики – непосредственного слова биографического Ф. М. Достоевского. В полемике с указанными представлениями мы выявляем эстетическую сторону «прорицаний» и показываем, что данный элемент порожден не прямым словом писателя, но сложной диалогической, двухголосой системой, в которой по воле автора-творца в одном слове и предложении совмещены два различающихся между собой, но при этом взаимодополнительных видения – Публициста и Писателя. Так на границе художественного творчества и публицистической оценки рождается «Дневник писателя» как целостное, органически слитое произведение
Abstract (en)
“Soothsaying” is a special compositional element of the Diary of a Writer by F.M. Dostoevsky. From the first treatments till the latest ones the element has been interperted as a typical journalism i.e. a text built by the direct assertions of Dostoevsky. Now, we contest the notion. We reveal in the so-called example of “pure journalism” the author-creator's aesthetic will that, being hidden, imbues the soothsaying. Publicist has never been the sole person who speaks in the element. Behind him, there is other mind – a Writer who is invisible but whose visions are shared with readers. Writer's visions are often more profound then Publicist's subsequences, so the every soothsaying consists of two semiotic levels (description of the common-place reality and fictional sketches) and of two speakers (the Publicist and the Writer). The sources of speech differ as persons but their voices are integrated in one dialogic text. The two speak in ones sentences and ones words. Eventually, the soothsaying seemed as a typical the Diary of a Writer's journalism is, in reality, the “double-voiced word” (M.M. Bakhtin) by which the author creates his Diary of a Writer as an individed aesthetic and journalistic unity
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