Индуктивный метод и научное творчество. Рецензия на монографию: С.А. Лебедев. «Методология науки: проблема индукции». М.: Альфа-М, 2013. 192 с.

Губман, Б.Л. (2015) Индуктивный метод и научное творчество. Рецензия на монографию: С.А. Лебедев. «Методология науки: проблема индукции». М.: Альфа-М, 2013. 192 с. Вестник ТвГУ. Серия: Философия (1). pp. 198-205. ISSN 1997-9908

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Abstract (en)

The problem of the essence, functions and margins of applicability of the inductive method in science is in the focus of attention of S.A. Lebedev's book analyzing this issue in the perspective of scientific knowledge development. Within the broad panorama of cultural tradition, the book under the review traces back the main stages of philosophical approach to inductive reasoning as a tool of scientific thought from Antiquity up to the contemporary stage of its evolution. The author reveals in detail the mainstream of competition of inductive and deductive methodology in classical modernity science prior the advent of non-classical science that proved the limits of induction on the empirical level of research, as well as its inability to serve as a strategy of theoretical discovery. Discussing the debate between the neo-inductivist methodological platform and its opponents, the author further moves to his own evaluation of induction application limits and prospects on the current stage of science development. Upon discussing different versions of induction philo-sophical justification, he offers his own praxiological approach to this issue. Combining the depth of scholarly insight into the problem and popular style of coverage of complicated questions, S.A. Lebedev's book may attract the attention of scholarly experts, students, as well as a wider audience interested in science methodology.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:ГУБМАН Борис Львович – д.ф.н., проф., зав. каф. философии и теории культуры ФГБОУ ВО «Тверской государственный университет», Тверь
Keywords (en):inductive method, deductive method, empiricism, rationalism, science, classical science, non-classical science, classical inductivism, neo-inductivism, induction philosophical justification
Subjects:1 Философские науки. Психология > 16 Логика. Теория познания. Методология и логика науки > 167 Методология научного исследования
Divisions:Университеты > TverSU > Faculties > Historical > Кафедра философии и теории культуры
ID Code:5130
Deposited On:08 Jan 2017 08:47
Last Modified:08 Jan 2017 08:47

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